Positive Affirmations

It is proven that affirmations help
to reprogram one’s mind

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Law of Attraction – How to Use Affirmations

“Affirmations are like seed planted in soil. Poor soil, poor growth. Rich soil, abundant growth. The more you choose to think thoughts that make you feel good, the quicker the affirmations work.”

~ Louise L. Hay

Affirmations are essential to a law of attraction program. Not only do they allow you to keep a clear focus upon your desire, they also serve to alter your inner mind and create a new belief.

To affirm means to declare what is already present. It is the same with creating and using affirmations to attract or to transform the things which we desire.

When you create an affirmation you are declaring to yourself and the universe that the desire is already created. As you continue to repeat these affirmations you are also holding your thoughts clearing with intense focus on the creation that you have made.

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Affirmations serve many purposes when trying to manifest the things you want. Applying the law of attraction can be hard when you try diligently to maintain positive uplifting thoughts. It’s almost impossible to monitor your thoughts twenty four hours a day but when you create clear affirmations with details they become a great tool in controlling your thoughts and in turn influencing the law of attraction in your favor.

Here are three ways to use affirmations with your law of attraction practice to get great results.

1. The first step to using the affirmations is to become very clear about what you want. In order to become clear you would need to write out all the details that you would like to see and experience in the thing that you want. The clearer you are about your intentions the more power you give to your affirmations.

2. The second step is to write a clear positive affirmation in the first person stating your desire as if it is already complete. Never make statements such as, “ I wish I could be… or someday I can have or I don’t want to do…”

These three statements are the most ineffective statements when creating your affirmations. The affirmation must be created with power and faith in order to fully shift the law of attraction in your favor. You must absolutely omit any words that tie you to the thing which you do not want. If you want to stop thinking in a negative way, it is best to state, “ I now think and feel in the most positive way. I thoughts are happy and positive every moment of the day.”

3. The third step is to move into the affirmation with feeling. Feeling adds the power to your desires. Feelings generate an internal energy that allows your whole being to absorb your statement.

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Affirmations, truly, are simple. They’re you being in conscious command of your thoughts. They are brief, mighty statements. If you say them or think them or even hear them, they get to be the thoughts that produce your reality. Affirmations, then, are your conscious thoughts.

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It is proven that affirmations help to reprogram one’s mind. When one repeats an affirmation over and over, the subconscious picks up on it as the present reality.

Does this mean that people have the ability to completely turn around their life as they know it? In one word: yes.

Many people find it a bit hard to really create success with their affirmations and that is as a result of stuck emotional energetic patterns that are difficult to change. There are many incredible techniques that can shift those affirmations quite deeply that they make the attraction process even easier and more effective without the mindless repetition.

How deeply are you willing to go to see the changes that you know are possible to have?

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Affirmations, truly, are simple. They’re you being in conscious command of your thoughts. They are brief, mighty statements.

If you say them or think them or even hear them, they get to be the thoughts that produce your reality.

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